The Dyslexic Poet

Dyslexic, yet I

write too much, the same frayed ends,

or should that be ‘to much’ –

you may read it either way;

we write to much the same ends,…


Originally posted on The 48%:
“Humbug!” he blusters at those grieving, speaking of murder; the killing of Jo Cox and every death threat after by those using his words to gag; to silence women who oppose him; to make them fear for their own lives; voices of extremism made Johnson their mascot, they clone expressions he…

The Meltdown

Dumbfounded, I watch this presidential meltdown – hardly the first – the Finnish president looks on as Trump, at his worst, alleges treason against his person; this ‘stable genius’ who coerced the leader of a besieged nation; withholding aid to trade with dirt on an opponent and his son; all this to pervert the next…


  Priti Patel tells a nearly all-white, mostly male reactionary elite what she has been taught to say and think in order to be accepted. They look at her, confused, blank round faces staring back at this Asian woman reaffirming all their cherished prejudices. She speaks of ending the free movement of people once and…

Forgotten Eve

Hear this modern Eve,

where the apple slices sharp

the wax drowns new wicks

swallowing the knife of words

watch a candle cut to flame,

choaked, a blessing came

with an absence of honey;

uttered without tune

where weary throats broke quavers

on past moons, hope a sliver.

Antonia Sara Zenkevitch

A Billion Raindrops

A billion raindrops

fall like all the promises

you forgot you made,

cold, tired, soaked to my bones

I seek trumpets in the storm.

Real Fantasy

(post formally called ‘the magic touch’) I love magical realism, the unexplained sitting side by side with routine, reasoned reality.  Perhaps I love it because in truth reality rarely appears very reasonable. My fascination may in part be because that taste of magic fulfills in me a yearning for everyday enchantment, but not too much…

Cat Lore

serenely she sits

on my favourite plant pot

and relieves herself.

Antonia Sara Zenkevitch

MRI x2

“Breathe in, breathe out, hold your breath,

breathe normally,”

a recorded voice instructs,


as other sounds pierce my heart,

I feel entombed

staring at that small black hole

as I comply, …